Photos of a fossil foot, yellow and green bird, crystal, and an animal skill with tusks

Staff and Advisory Council members created a 5-Year Strategic Plan in 2023.

Over the last five years, the University of Arkansas Museum has made significant strides with collections care initiatives and increased awareness and engagement with stakeholders. To take advantage of this forward momentum, the Strategic Institutional Plan is an organized roadmap for the U of A Museum’s next five years.

Icon of person looking in mirror.Clarify the U of A Museum’s Image and Purpose
Icon of building.Build Support and Investigate Options for Dedicated Public Space
Icon of five hands reaching towards each other.Increase Access to the U of A Museum as It Now Exists
Icon of hands transferring paper money.Strengthen Development Efforts for the U of A Museum
Icon of certificate.Pursue Professional Recognitions and Increase Staff Development
Icon of books.Accomplish Collections Initiatives
Strategic Priorities at a Glance