Holiday Countdown

Day 20: Gifts

Author: Maeghan O’Conner is a graduate student of history and a Museum Advisory Council member.

One of the most wonderful parts of this time of year is accepting and appreciating the less tangible and more sentimental gifts we can give to one another. As I’ve grown older, both my sister and I have realized we appreciate small thoughtful gifts or those with the promise of quality time attached to them. Truly, when we tell our parents we don’t need anything, we mean it. Who needs or has space for another Bath and Body Works candle or witty mug?

That’s why I love giving and receiving vouchers to the movies or Painting with a Twist, or even tickets to an upcoming show at the Walton Arts Center. It goes beyond the money spent on the gift as a promise of time with loved ones sharing a fun activity. Some of the best Christmas memories I have do not revolve around items at all, but the people I spent that time with. If you’re having trouble coming up with a last minute gift for a friend or family member this year, consider getting them something from the heart that shows you know what they enjoy and want to spend time with them.

Another suggestion that many people in my family have loved is making a donation in their name. As one of my sister’s favorite gifts, I symbolically adopted a red panda for her from the World Wildlife Foundation. She received a stuffed animal, a certificate, and picture of an animal she was sponsoring. Doing some good in the world while brightening a loved one’s day can’t be a bad way to spend the holidays.

Hope you are able to give to your loved ones this year something they will truly enjoy!