Holiday Countdown

Day 3: Movies

Author: Amber Cooper is a senior majoring in Anthropology and a Museum Advisory Council member.

A movie camera. U of A Museum collections.

Movie camera. U of A Museum collections.

One of the first signs that it’s the holiday season is the beginning of the holiday movie bonanza. Some television channels even center their entire content on Christmas and holiday movies, such as the Hallmark Channel. On Day Three of our Holiday Countdown, we’re going to do a deep dive into some of the more popular holiday movies. 

If we didn’t start out with the most memorable Christmas movie of all time, then we wouldn’t be doing this countdown any justice. It’s a Wonderful Life is probably the most well-known and most watched Christmas movie of all time. The movie truly represents the meaning of the holidays, that even in times of struggle, one’s family and community is all one really needs. 

“It’s a Wonderful Life” film poster. Wikimedia Commons.


Another all time classic is A Charlie Brown Christmas, where Charlie Brown and his friends find out the true meaning of Christmas, through the finding of a small but resilient Christmas tree. This is a Christmas movie that all the family gather around on Christmas to watch and laugh along with, as the kids open up presents. 

Alright, the last classic that we’ll mention is A Christmas Carol. The ultimate story of redemption and learning what it means to love more than oneself. With this movie, Charles Dickens’ reveals how it doesn’t matter how old you are, that you can still change who you are as long as you are willing to listen. This notion still holds true today, as families gather around to learn new things about each other every year with the kind of love and empathy that truly encapsulates the meaning of the word ‘family’. 

Seven small clear bags, each holding a coin with a small paper insert with identification numbers.

When considering A Christmas Carol’s main character Ebenezer Scrooge, these coins from around the world were the first to come to mind. U of A Museum collections.

This next holiday movie goes into more of the historical roots, with the French international film, Joyeux Noel. This film portrays the true story of French and German forces who set aside the war on Christmas Eve, 1914 to join hands. This act of solidarity among humans caught in a war that no one wanted, reveals the bond of humanity that even enemies can share, as they all remember a time during the holidays that were filled with hope and love. Though this truce was temporary, it truly reveals the power of the holiday spirit.

The holiday countdown wouldn’t be complete without one of the best Christmas movies out there, Die Hard. While one might not typically look at this movie and see Christmas, this movie was centered around the action-packed thrills of a Christmas adventure. This movie also brings some comedic relief to the more intense Christmas movies that are typically watched on this holiday. Therefore, as our last movie of the countdown, it is one for the history books. 

Though Christmas might be known for the movies, presents, and lights, Christmas and the holiday season is truly about family and friends coming together. Happy Holidays and we hope everyone is able to spend time with their family this year!!

Image References:

  1. “It’s A Wonderful Life.” Film poster. Wikimedia Commons.